Monday, July 18, 2016

"Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain."

Google OAuth Error Message: Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain.

Root Cause: development server, was using, even if I added it to cloud config, does not work. But once I change to http://localhost:8080, it starts to work.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Fun with Google BigQuery

Nothing beats a game that can keep the whole family entertained for a few hours, while teaching kids some programming sense.

Just two weeks into summer, I already ran out of ideas to keep kids entertained.

Today, Google BigQuery come to the rescue. To be more precise, the USA Name Data provided hours of entertainment.
"This public dataset was created by the Social Security Administration and contains all names from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States after 1879."

After showing my kids a few very simple queries of the USA Name Data, we started to play "Family Feud" game:

Most Popular Names

  • Everyone write down 5 names in secret
  • After we are done, each need to write their own query and run it in BQ to find out total count of these five names in all years
  • Whoever gets the most counts wins
  • Cannot reuse names in the following rounds
(After three rounds, we covered almost all the top 20 names in USA.)

Then we played another game with the dataset with these rules

Least Popular Names

  • Write down 5 names in secret
  • The names must draw at least one count
  • Whoever gets the least counts wins
(We actually got one name with only 5 in all the last 103 years!)

Here is a sample query

SELECT SUM(number), name 
FROM [bigquery-public-data:usa_names.usa_1910_2013] 
WHERE name in ('John', 'Jason', 'Mary', 'David', 'William')

Now, after we are done with the game, the following two queries will show us the top answers.

Least Popular Names

SELECT SUM(number), name 
FROM [bigquery-public-data:usa_names.usa_1910_2013] 

Most Popular Names

SELECT SUM(number), name 
FROM [bigquery-public-data:usa_names.usa_1910_2013] 

Some Follow Up Questions

While the kids are still keen on it, some follow up questions will keep their brains from getting rusty:
  • How many kids were born in the same year, and with the same name as yours?
  • Which year has the most kids with the same name as yours?
  • Are there any kids with your name in the opposite gender?
  • Which years are "baby boom" years? (Hint: save to Google Sheet, and plot year vs. count(number))
  • Which years have the most "Jacqueline"s and why? (Hint: opportunity for some history lessons about first ladies)
  • Most gender neutral names (Hint: refer to this page)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Angular 2: Building a Google Map Component

Live Demo
Github Repo
In order to force myself dig deeper into Angular 2, I tried to build a component wrapper for Google Map JavaScript API. The end results is a demo component here: google_map.component.ts.


Sample Client Code

A sample client code using the component looks like this:


The features including:
  • Drawing through Angular binding
  • Map events published as Angular events 



Here are some code snippets the highlights some of the lessons I have learned.

First, make sure Google Maps library is loaded from here:{YOUR_API_KEY}&libraries=visualization,place&callback=initMap
Add this line in typings.ts, so that we can have type definitions for Google Maps JavaScript API
    "googlemaps": "github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/googlemaps/google.maps.d.ts"
Event handlers turns out to be tricky. My naive first implementation was something like this'click', function(e: google.maps.MouseEvent) {      
Turns out there are two big problems in this implementation:
  1. this inside the event handler does not have member mapClick. Because it is no longer the component class
  2. Once scope of this is fixed, I found data changes in the event handler does not trigger Angular change detection
Solutions for those problems? See the comments in my final implementation:

On the CSS side, it is very important to set height of Google Map component. If not done, it is automatically collapsed to nothing, and you won't see a map.


Finally, a functional demo is here: google_map.html. Below is screenshot of the demo in action:

Monday, May 02, 2016

Angular 2: Injecting Parent and Child Component

Live Demo
Github Repo

To inject children component into a parent component, use ViewChildren (notice there is also ConentChildren which will inject children from content projection).

To inject a parent into child component, you simply need to inject parent in the constructor of child component. However, there is a bit of problem due to circular reference. The parent component has to reference child component as directive. If the child also depends on parent, we will get an error like this: EXCEPTION; Cannot resolve all parameters for '[ParentComponent]'.... So, the following slightly twisted injection is needed:
        contructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => ParentComponent)) private _parent: ParentComponent)

A small working example showing both child and parent component injection can be downloaded here:

Angular 2 Content, Content Projection, Transclusion

Live Demo
Github Repo

I guess under all these fancy words (especially Transclusion), there is a simple concept. And it seems to me, it is way easier to learn it by starting with looking at a working sample, make some changes and observe the changes.

I have created a bare minimum working example here:

Here are the key code fragments. Related elements are color coded.
Template for the directive:
  <h1><ng-content select="my-title"></ng-content></h1>
    <ng-content select="content"></ng-content>
  <em style="font-size:smaller"><ng-content select="footer"></ng-content></em>
Markup in the client component:
  <my-title>Angular 2 Content Demo</my-title>
  <content>The selectors defined in MultiSlotContent directive will find 
    the content element in this template, insert it into it's own template 
  <footer>Footer: this feature was called transclusion in Angular 1.</footer>
Resulting HTML Markup:
    <h1><my-title>Angular 2 Content Demo</my-title></h1>
      <content>The selectors defined in MultiSlotContent directive will find 
        the content element in this template, insert it into it's own template 
    <em style="font-size:smaller"><footer>Footer: this feature was called transclusion in Angular 1.</footer></em>
Notice the key is to define proper Angular 2 selectors in the directive. Then in the client component, it just need to fill the content in the right selector target. The end result is the directive's ng-content elements got replaced by the fragments from client.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Angular 2 HTTP JSON Service

Live Demo
Github Repo

Here is a bare minimum demo of how to use Angular 2 HTTP JSON Service:

The demo uses observable instead of promise. A few potential catches:
  • Import Rx.js in html file:
    <script src="node_modules/rxjs/bundles/Rx.js"></script>
  • Import rxjs/Rx in service:
    import 'rxjs/Rx'

Angular 2 Renderer

Live Demo
Github Repo

Renderer in Angular 2 is a fascinating topic. It does not have an official documentation yet. As of this writing 5/1/2016, there is only a list of public method signatures here:

It turns out it is very easy to get a hold of the renderer in your components. All it takes is to declare a Renderer in contructor, Angular 2 will inject it for you.

Code sample to inject renderer:
constructor(private _renderer: Renderer) { }

A working demo on github:

Friday, April 01, 2016

Angular 2 Resources

Official web site

Official Github Repo
A few notable sub-directories:

Angular CLI
Command line interface. It helps to build skeleton code for a new project that follows best practice. Not officially released yet. But very helpful. It generates project with proper folder structure, unit testing and end2end tests are also included.

npm packages

Blog about Angular 2 (and other Software topics) by Victor Savkin
There are not many tutorials here, but those few entries will give us a deep dive into Angular 2 design philosophy.
A series of short video tutorials about angular 2.

Stackoverflow tagged Angular 2