Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Import Android Samples into Eclipse

I am trying to open Android samples in Eclipse (with ADT installed). At first, it seems to be a tedious task, trying to import every single project. Then, I found out that ADT already has a shortcut for importing samples. Just go File > New Android Project. In the "New Adroid Project" dialog, select the Build Target, then check "Create project from existing sample". Now, in the dropdown below select the project you want to import. It is much simpler than I thought.

Well, of course, it would be even better, if the sample projects have Eclipse project in them. That will save me even more time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SQL Scripts for CLR Assemblies

Here are SQL Scripts for CLR assemblies on Microsoft SQL Server.

Assumptions: assembly's name: "SQLCLR.dll".In the dll, you have an aggregate function: "ConcateAll" which concatenate all string. The dll is in database server's c:\temp directory.

To enable CLR on SQL Server:

To clean up (remove the CLR function and assembly from database)

To upload assembly to SQL Server

Create aggregate function based on CLR assembly

Grant execution permission to user